The National Organization for Marriage-backed “Vota Tus Valores” campaign, which previously launched a bus touraround the state of California urging Latinos to vote for GOP Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, is now up on the airwaveswith a Spanish-language ad campaign attacking Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), reportsthe Center for Public Integrity: “„The Spanish-language ad shows images of a wedding and highlights Latin-American values: work, family, and children. Boxer, the announcer says, doesn’t share “nuestros valores”— our values. The ad goes on to say that Boxer “supports abortion and homosexual marriage” and that she “voted against immigration reform to permit our people to come here legally to work.” It closes by praising Boxer’s opponent, Republican candidate Carly Fiorina.
Boxer’s support for abortion and civil marriage rights for same-sex couples is well documented, and it’s not surprising, given NOM’s mission, that the organization is attacking her for it. The senator’s longstanding support for comprehensive immigration reform makes the ad’s second attack appear more questionable — and all the more like a thinly veiled attempt to manipulate the state’s Latino population into voting against her.
The language of the attack could possibly be referencing a temporary guest worker program which Boxer opposed in 2007 on the grounds that it would exploit workers, but it seems like a stretch to turn around and argue that she “voted against immigration reform.”
In response, Boxer’s campaign manager, Rose Kapolczynski, told the Center, “It’s outrageous that a wealthy right-wing outside group is running attack ads lying about Barbara Boxer’s record. The fact is that Barbara Boxer is a strong supporter of comprehensive immigration reform and has worked closely with the Latino community on everything from job creation to education.”