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Liveblog: Bachmann’s State of the Union response

Rep. Michele Bachmann will be giving a response to President Obama’s State of the Union address through the Tea Party Express, not as an official Republican response, but as what many are calling the official tea party response. Her speech will follow Obama’s and the official Republican response given by Rep.

Jul 31, 2020
Rep. Michele Bachmann will be giving a response to President Obama’s State of the Union addressthrough the Tea Party Express, not as an official Republican response, but as what many are calling the official tea party response. Her speech will follow Obama’s and the official Republican response given by Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. The Minnesota Independent will be live-blogging Bachmann’s speech this evening providing our readers with highlights. We welcome your thoughts on Bachmann’s speech in the comments section.
**8:25 pm: ** During the SOTU, Bachmann was sitting with two Republicans, Jean Schmidt and Jamie Herrera. Either there are simply too many Republicans, or she didn’t like Klobuchar’s idea.
**8:43 pm: ** Bachmann spoke with Judge Napolitano at Fox today about her upcoming speech. View it on YouTube here.
**9:12 pm: ** Obama’s hour-long speech is done and political watchers now wait through the Paul Ryan’s intermission speech for Bachmann’s response.
**9:26 pm: ** Anybody else find it interesting that everyone speaking tonight hails from the Upper Midwest? Obama-Chicago, Ryan-Wisconsin, Bachmann-Minnesota (via Iowa)
9:31 pm:Google trendsshows just how much Bachmann’s response has been discussed compared to Ryan’s. Giving the official party response is good for name recognition. Bachmann blew Ryan out of the water with one she set up herself. She gets 1.o to Ryan’s .36 over the last 30 days. Remarkable.
9:35 pm:Wolf Blitzer is more excited about Bachmann than anyone else it seems. The giant clock and the fanfare… geez.
9:38 pm:As an aside, Bachmann will be heading to Iowa again in March for a Christian Home School conference, the Des Moines Register just blogged.
9:42 pm:Flashback: It was four years ago at the SOTU that Bachmann got the smooch from President Bushthat sent bloggers spinning. This year Sen. Klobuchar and Obama shared a cordial kiss greeting following his speech.
9:47 pm:The NYTimes notesthat it appears Bachmann got delayed behind the Presidential motorcade. She’ll be on soon.
9:48 pm:And here she is. Says she’s not competing with the official response. Praises the Tea Party.
9:50 pm:Bachmann is making the case that unemployment spiked because of Obama’s policies.
9:51 pm:Bush signed the $700 billion bailout after asking Congress to authorize it, not Obama, as Bachmann suggests.
9:53 pm:She wants end to cap and trade, turn back regulations, let Americans buy health insurance anywhere they want in the United States.
9:54 pm:Tea Party is a “history-making turn” just starting to undo the damage done over the last few years.
**9:55 pm: **“We will proclaim liberty throughout the land!” After pointing to picture of battle of Iwo Jima.
9:58 pm:Here’s the full text of Bachmann’s speech.
10:00 pm:Bachmann says, “The perilous battle that was fought in the pacific, at Iwo Jima, was a battle against all odds, and yet the image of the young G.I.s in the incursion against the Japanese immortalizes their victory.” G.I. refers to Army, the six men were 5 Marines and a Navy corpsman.
10:07 pm:“What did we buy? Instead of a leaner, smarter government, we bought a bureaucracy that tells us which light bulbs to buy, and which will put 16,500 IRS agents in charge of policing President Obama’s healthcare bill.” She appears to blame the light bulb bill on Obama, but that was signed into law by Bush in 2007.
10:14 pm:Lot’s of folks wondering about why Bachmann didn’t look at the camera. Tweet from CNN’s Sam Feist:Bachmann was looking into the Tea Party Express camera sted of the network pool camera. Fox News was pool.
10:30pm:If twitter, facebook and the talking heads on cable news are any indication, Bachmann’s speech went over well. Liberals ridiculed it, conservatives fawned over it. And this concludes our live-blog. Thank you to those who stopped by to read. G’night.
Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannona is a highly experienced journalist with over 9 years of expertise in news writing, investigative reporting, and political analysis. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Columbia University and has contributed to reputable publications focusing on global affairs, human rights, and environmental sustainability. Hajra's authoritative voice and trustworthy reporting reflect her commitment to delivering insightful news content. Beyond journalism, she enjoys exploring new cultures through travel and pursuing outdoor photography
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