High school students from Lansing area schools walked out of class this morning and gathered at the Capitol to join the protests against cuts in education funding and anti-union actions by the governor and the legislature. About 150 students were at the Capitol building by noon, apparently responding to a call for a walkout by a student at Lansing Sexton high school who sent an email around earlier this week saying: We are doing this because Governor Rick Snyder plans on cutting at least $500 per student.
“„We are doing this because Governor Rick Snyder plans on cutting at least $500 per student. He and many fellow republicans want to get rid of collective bargaining which will get rid our our unions. Our unions make up our teachers (MEA), nurses (MNA), GM workers (UAW), which many our our family members are apart of. That would lower their wages, cut their benefits. SO I’M ASKING ALL SEXTON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, TEACHES AND FAMILIES TO COME JOIN ME AND WALK OUT TO FIGHT AGAINsT GOVERNER SYNDER AND THOSE SUPPORTING HIM!