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Anti-same-sex marriage groups violated lobbying laws, alleges complaint

When the National Organization for Marriage and the Minnesota Family Council spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on ads promoting a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage and civil unions last fall, the groups should have reported those expenditures, according to a complaint filed with the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board earlier this month. The complaint, which focuses on ads launched throughout the 2010 campaign cycle in support of gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, asks for financial penalties as well as an audit of NOM’s spending in Minnesota

Jul 31, 2020
Image has not been found. URL: the National Organization for Marriage and the Minnesota Family Council spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on ads promoting a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage and civil unions last fall, the groups should have reported those expenditures, according to a complaint filed with the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board earlier this month. The complaint, which focuses on ads launched throughout the 2010 campaign cycle in support of gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, asks for financial penalties as well as an audit of NOM’s spending in Minnesota.
The filing by Common Cause Minnesota alleges that the Minnesota Family Council — and in particular its lobbyist, Tom Prichard — failed to report lobbying expenses related to several ads. Since the ad urged the public and legislators to act on legislation, in this case a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, it constitutes lobbying, the group argues in the complaint. The ads in question include references to an actual bill, SF120, and were created and distributed in partnership with NOM.
Here’s the ad:
The complaint also addresses three other ads by MFC and NOM, charging that each of the ads, two for radio and one for television, constituted lobbying, yet went unreported:
First, it tells the public to contact DFL lawmakers. The ad states: “Most DFL lawmakers don’t want you to have a say. When they ask for your support, ask them if they will guarantee your right to vote on marriage.” Second, it identified a legislator who could vote on the legislation by specifically mentioning a state representative at the time, Rep. Kelliher. It also included the name of the current governor.
One such ad also featured the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., asserting that he would have wanted a statewide vote on gay marriage.
The complaint, which cites Minnesota Independent’s reporting on the ads throughout the election cycle, asks for a penalty of $3,000.
The filing also notes that Prichard and MFC have been dinged for the same thing in the past: “Considering the nature of the scheme and the fact that this is the second time that Mr. Prichard has violated this very statute by failing to disclose lobbyist expenditures associated with urging public action to influence legislative action, we believe that there is clear intent to violate the statute. Mr. Prichard cannot claim that he did not know about the reporting requirements.”
Common Cause also filed a second complaint that alleges that NOM failed to register as a lobbying group in the state.
“[T]he group should have registered with the Campaign Finance Disclosure Board as a principal lobbyist,” the complaint states. “The Campaign Finance Disclosure Board (‘CFDB’) website clearly states that groups that intend to influence legislative action must register with the CFDB.”
It continues:
On May 18, 2010, the Minnesota Independent ran a story on how the National Organization for Marriage and the Minnesota Family Council were coordinating a $200,000 media buy in Minnesota to oppose legislation to “redefine marriage.” In a press release, the National Organization for Marriage “called on elected officials to let the people vote on this critical issue.” This makes it clear that their intent was to influence legislative action.
Common Cause is seeking specific penalties against NOM. It’s urging the board to fine NOM $1,000 and to conduct an audit of NOM’s financial records to ensure that the reporting requirements are satisfied.
The campaign finance board has accepted Minnesota Common Cause’s complaint and is in the process of investigating.
“Minnesota’s lobbyist disclosure laws are designed to shine some sunlight on how special interests attempt to influence decisions at the capitol,” Mike Dean, Executive Director of Common Cause Minnesota, said in a statement. “Both organizations have attempted to operate in the shadows by failing to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars spent influencing legislators at the capitol.”
The Minnesota Independent raised questionsabout NOM’s and MFC’s activities in Minnesota last fall, in particular a mailer that attacked openly gay Republican Sen. Paul Koering. He lost reelection in 2010.
Read Common Cause’s complaint alleging failure to register as a lobbyist:
Read Common Cause’s complaint alleging failure to disclose expenditures:
MFC complaint FINAL2
Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke is an economist, marketing strategist, and orthopedic surgeon with over 20 years of experience crafting compelling narratives that resonate worldwide. He holds a Journalism degree from Columbia University, an Economics background from Yale University, and a medical degree with a postdoctoral fellowship in orthopedic medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina. Dexter’s insights into media, economics, and marketing shine through his prolific contributions to respected publications and advisory roles for influential organizations. As an orthopedic surgeon specializing in minimally invasive knee replacement surgery and laparoscopic procedures, Dexter prioritizes patient care above all. Outside his professional pursuits, Dexter enjoys collecting vintage watches, studying ancient civilizations, learning about astronomy, and participating in charity runs.
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