Most Michigan city officials dread almost nothing more than the appointment of an emergency manager to oversee their affairs, especially now that those overseers have virtually limitless authority. But Detroit Mayor Dave Bing is threatening to request one if unions don’t accept his demands. Detroit Mayor Dave Bing said Thursday that he’ll request a state-appointed emergency financial manager if the city’s 48 employee unions don’t make health care concessions, or if the state does not agree to extend the city’s special allowance for income and utility taxes
“„Detroit Mayor Dave Bing said Thursday that he’ll request a state-appointed emergency financial manager if the city’s 48 employee unions don’t make health care concessions, or if the state does not agree to extend the city’s special allowance for income and utility taxes.
“„Either scenario, he said, would create a financial emergency, with the city already facing a $200-million deficit…
“„The mayor said he prefers negotiating concessions with city unions, but that he would “absolutely” ask the state for an emergency financial manager. An emergency manager would have broad powers to run the city, take over its finances and even terminate union contracts. The state treasurer could choose to appoint Bing, but if someone else is appointed, that person could take all control from the City Council and the mayor.