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Radical anti-choice group targeting new abortion provider, previously went after George Tiller

Yesterday, radical anti-abortion rights group Operation Rescue sent out a press release announcing its “ Summer of Mercy 2.0 ” in Germantown, Maryland. # The last “Summer of Mercy,” took place twenty years ago in Wichita, Kansas, where work done by anti-abortion rights groups culminated in the shooting of abortion-provider George Tiller

Jul 31, 2020
Yesterday, radical anti-abortion rights group Operation Rescue sent out a press releaseannouncing its “Summer of Mercy 2.0” in Germantown, Maryland. #
The last “Summer of Mercy,” took place twenty years ago in Wichita, Kansas, where work done by anti-abortion rights groups culminated in the shooting of abortion-provider George Tiller. Tiller was shot in both arms by an anti-abortion rights activist in 1993, and was eventually murdered by a different activist in 2009, also in Wichita. #
Two years after the death of Tiller, Operation Rescue is planning an event targeting yet another abortion-provider – LeRoy Carhart. #
According to the press release, the event will be held from July 31 through August 2 and will include “round-the-clock prayer and worship, inspiring evening rallies with national political and Christian leaders, and cutting edge public events.” #
“It promises to be an historic season of prayerful and prophetic witness in Maryland,” states the press release. #
Groups participating in the event include the Christian Defense Coalition, the Maryland Coalition for Life, and several local churches. #
According to an interview with Time Magazine immediately following Tiller’s murder, Christian Defense Coalition Director Rev. Patrick Mahoney said that, “politically, [Tiller’s murder] could not have happened at a worse time.” He told Time, “please, don’t use this tragic situation to broad-brush the pro-life community as extremists.” #
“It is our hope and prayer that as scores come to ‘establish justice in the gates’ we will see an end to the violence of abortion and especially the practice of late-term abortion provider LeRoy Carhart,” said Mahoney, in Operation Rescue’s press release. #
Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, said the anti-abortion rights movement needs “radical obedience.” #
“Twenty years ago, ‘The Summer of Mercy’ changed America forever,” said Newman. “It is our hope and prayer that ‘The Summer of Mercy 2.0? will bring even greater change and transformation to our nation. We urge all pro-lifer supporters to join us in Maryland to touch hearts, save lives and make history.” #
Life News has a pretty thorough run-downof what Carhart has already been put through by the anti-abortion rights community for providing a legal service to women. #
Since Tiller’s murder, the Obama administration has cracked down on anti-abortion rights activiststhat have violated the law. #
Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannona is a highly experienced journalist with over 9 years of expertise in news writing, investigative reporting, and political analysis. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Columbia University and has contributed to reputable publications focusing on global affairs, human rights, and environmental sustainability. Hajra's authoritative voice and trustworthy reporting reflect her commitment to delivering insightful news content. Beyond journalism, she enjoys exploring new cultures through travel and pursuing outdoor photography
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