The continued budget pressures on the City of Lansing have led officials to eliminate a rented space on the city’s south side that has most recently housed the investigation unit of the police department. Until 2010, the facility housed investigations and patrol personnel to service the south end of Lansing.
“„The Administration [of Mayor Virg Bernero] has now determined for management and financial reasons to continue its consolidation of police functions by housing all patrol and investigative divisions at 740 Prudden St. This will further enhance overall management of police functions, and will reduce costs in future budget years. The move is currently anticipated to be accomplished by the end of September, and the lease at Everett Plaza will be terminated as quickly as the lease provides.
“„From a budgetary perspective, consolidating the Investigations Division currently housed at Everett Plaza with the Patrol Division currently housed at 740 Prudden Street reduces costs. The City currently spends nearly $700,000 annually to lease these spaces, including utilities and janitorial services. There is sufficient room in the currently leased space at Prudden Street to house the Investigations Division, so eliminating the Everett Plaza lease is projected to reduce costs by more than $250,000 in FY13 and FY14.