Planned protests against the Keystone XL pipeline began this weekend in the nation’s capitol as activists and celebrities staged sit-ins at the White House, resulting in more than 100 of them being arrested. The protests were planned by the group Tar Sands Action . 70 people were arrested on Saturday at the White House, including some prominent figures: “It’s not the easiest thing on earth for law-abiding folk to come risk arrest.
“„“It’s not the easiest thing on earth for law-abiding folk to come risk arrest. But this pipeline has emerged as the single clear test of the president’s willingness to fight for the environment,” said environmentalist and author Bill McKibben, who is spearheading the protests and was arrested this morning. “So I wore my Obama ’08 button, and I carry a great deal of hope in my heart that we will see that old Obama emerge. It’s hot out here today, especially when you’re wearing a suit and tie. But it’s nowhere near as hot as it’s going to get if we lose this fight.”
“„McKibben was amongst those arrested today, along with the co-founder of NRDC and former White House official Gus Speth, gay rights activist Lt. Dan Choi, author and activist Mike Tidwell, Firedoglake founder Jane Hamsher, and many others.