After having to temporarily close its doors to thousands of patients, Planned Parenthood of Indiana can now reopen to Medicaid beneficiaries. U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt ruled in favor of Planned Parenthood this past week over Indiana’s new law aimed at defunding the chain of women’s clinics
“„The injunction means the defunding and fetal pain measures cannot be enforced while she is hearing Planned Parenthood’s legal challenge to the law. #
“„Elizabeth Ferries-Rowe, chief of obstetrics and gynecology for Wishard Memorial Hospital, said in a letter that the legislature and [Gov. Mitch] Daniels had “tied the hands of physicians attempting to provide medically appropriate, evidence-based care in the setting of routine obstetrics and gynecology” in “a politically motivated move to de-fund Planned Parenthood.” #