Reports on Monday that Michele Bachmann’s family business was performing therapy to “cure” gays and lesbian s of homosexuality quickly became a campaign issue for the presidential contender. When pressed by a local ABC affiliate to weigh in on the clinic she and husband Marcus own , Bachmann refused to answer questions about the “reparative therapy” that undercover video showed was being performed there. Interview requests at the Today Show and ABC News were also dodged on Monday
“„HOST: What is your opinion on reparative therapy and is it something that’s conducted in that center?
“„BACHMANN: Well, I’m running for the Presidency of the United States and I’m here to talk about job creation and that we do have a business that deals with job creation. I’m very proud of the business that we created and I’m here today in Indianola, Iowa. [...]
“„HOST: But of course the issue today is about this reparative therapy and about what this hidden camera caught and their opinions are going to be aired on tonight’s news. And you don’t want to comment on that and give your side?
“„BACHMANN: Well, I’m here to talk about the Presidency of the United States. As I said again, we’re very proud of our business and we’re proud of all job creators in the United States. That’s what people really care about.