Minnesotans United for All Families announced this week that the coalition opposing a constitutional amendment that several prominent Republicans are joining with groups such as Planned Parenthood and the United Church of Christ to oppose the anti-gay marriage amendment that will come up for a vote on November’s ballot. Last week, the leadership of Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota approved a resolution opposing the amendment
“„Whereas, we envision and work toward a world in which people can embrace and pursue their own dreams.
“„Whereas, we believe that people should be free to make life’s most profound choices about health care, childbearing and relationships in harmony with their dreams.
“„Whereas, we believe that all people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, have fundamental human rights that must be respected and responsibilities that must be exercised.
“„Whereas, we advocate an end to inequality and discrimination that are barriers to making private decisions regarding sexuality, reproduction and relationships.
“„Whereas, we support loving families in all of their relationship forms and we work to ensure that they are strong and secure.
“„Whereas, we believe that strong families are fundamental to strong and healthy communities
“„Whereas, the values of courage, dignity, freedom, and truth are core to our mission and our work.
“„Therefore let it be resolved: That Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota opposes the amendment to the Minnesota Constitution banning same-sex marriage and the legal recognition of same-sex couples.