After strong criticism Talisman Energy, a Pennsylvania gas hydrofracking company, has pulled a children’s coloring book it had put out a few weeks ago to convince people that fracking was a perfectly safe practice. The Washington Post reports : A natural gas drilling company says it’s no longer distributing a children’s coloring book featuring a hard hat-wearing dinosaur that’s been criticized by a Massachusetts congressman and lampooned by Comedy Central star Stephen Colbert… Critics called the coloring book’s depiction of land before and after drilling overly rosy. The post-drilling image adds a rainbow and an eagle to the scene where the hydraulic fracturing drilling process took place
“„A natural gas drilling company says it’s no longer distributing a children’s coloring book featuring a hard hat-wearing dinosaur that’s been criticized by a Massachusetts congressman and lampooned by Comedy Central star Stephen Colbert…
“„Critics called the coloring book’s depiction of land before and after drilling overly rosy. The post-drilling image adds a rainbow and an eagle to the scene where the hydraulic fracturing drilling process took place.
“„U.S. Rep. Ed Markey mocked the depiction of the “friendly Fracosaurus” in remarks last week on drilling safety. Colbert spoofed the book earlier this week.