Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney raised more money in Michigan between April and June than did President Barack Obama.
In fact, according to a reportfrom the Lansing State Journal, Romney bested Obama $884,124 to $393,428. Romney is the presumptive front runner for the GOP nomination for president. While the son of former Michigan Gov. George Romney raised more cash in Michigan, Obama still raised more money that all the Republican candidates for president combined. He raised $46 million in the quarter.
Bill Ballenger, editor of Inside Michigan Politics, says that Obama has an “edge” in Michigan in 2012. He noted that no Republican candidate has carried Michigan since 1988. But he did put caution in his prediction noting that the outcome would rely in part on the GOP nominee.
Also of interest is the number of small dollar amount donors feeding the political machines. Of the money Obama raised, 47 percent came from donors giving $200 or less. The GOP field breaks out as follows:
“„Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann raised the largest share of her second-quarter funds – nearly two-thirds – from small-dollar contributions, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Texas Rep. Ron Paul, GOP businessman Herman Cain and former Rep. Newt Gingrich also are fueling their campaigns largely with small-dollar donations. Romney, by contrast, got just 6 percent of his second-quarter funds in small chunks.