The American Family Association has just announced it will give more than $100,000 to the Mississippi Personhood Amendment. # The money will go toward promoting Proposition 26, the amendment that aims to define personhood as beginning at the moment of conception. Though Personhood representatives have argued that they are simply interested in banning abortion, critics argue that the bill could outlaw some forms of birth control and could lead to criminal prosecutions against women suffering miscarriages.
“„It takes money to educate people across Mississippi. The only way you can do that is by buying ads, sending mailers, getting on radio. … It costs money to educate people and get people to go to the polls and remind them to vote “yes.” So won’t you help us? AFA has committed over $100,000 to this campaign. That was not in our normal operating budget. But it’s something we felt necessary to do, we felt compelled to go ahead and make this gift to the Personhood Amendment, so that we can get it passed. And so I’m asking you to help us here at AFA, if you possibly can, to be as generous as you can in recouping this $100,000. #