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Personhood Mississippi launches new ‘Yes on 26′ website

Personhood Mississippi has launched a new website to tout its “Yes on 26″ campaign, which aims to drum up publicity for an amendment that would make abortion, and possibly some forms of birth control, illegal in the state. # The website, , includes a section of endorsements (which are plenty), volunteer and email lists, and several ads for the amendment, including a video entitled “Ronald Reagan endorses Personhood.” # The site also lists the members of the Yes on 26 “Advisory Board,” which is co-chaired by Mississippi Lt

Jul 31, 2020
Personhood Mississippi has launched a new website to tout its “Yes on 26″ campaign, which aims to drum up publicity for an amendment that would make abortion, and possibly some forms of birth control, illegal in the state. #
The website,, includes a section of endorsements (which are plenty), volunteer and email lists, and several ads for the amendment, including a videoentitled “Ronald Reagan endorses Personhood.” #
The site also liststhe members of the Yes on 26 “Advisory Board,” which is co-chaired by Mississippi Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant and American Family Association founder Don Wildmon. #
Bryant, who is currently running for governor of Mississippi, recently endorsed the amendment during an appearance on the American Family Association’s *Matt Friedeman Show. *On the show, Bryant made a slew of controversial comments — including a remark that those without jobs should simply apply for the same jobs as illegal immigrants — and said that Americans should “vote their faith” during elections. #
Much has been discussed about the language of the Personhood amendments, which have cropped up across the country. Though Personhood USA founder Keith Mason has said he only wants to outlaw Roe v. Wade, critics say that a personhood bill could outlaw many types of birth control. Under the new website’s Frequently Asked Questionstab, this claim is addressed: #
“Yes on 26 takes no position on birth control methods, which are contraceptive rather than abortive in their actions.”#
Reason: We are opposed to those birth control methods which act as abortifacients. These could include forms of the pill which act to prevent implantation of the newly formed human into the lining of the womb; forms of the IUD, which can act the same; and prostaglandin suppository drugs, which act to cause delivery of whatever size baby the uterus contains. #
Personhood Mississippi is also opposed to RU 486 and the “morning after” pill, which the group says act as “human pesticides.” #
The site also addresses the question of exceptions for cases of rape or incest, which would not be supported under the amendment, should it become law: #
Whereas we understand the trauma involved in such situations, the unborn child conceived is no less human than one conceived under more favorable conditions. In the case of rape, we assert the need to educate women to seek immediate medical attention after they are victimized. Instead of the further violence of abortion, we believe women should be provided with compassionate, competent emotional and health care. In the case of incest, we stress the need to help the entire family correct the situation, which led to the pregnancy. #
Though the Personhood movement has an active presence in Florida, its initiative has not yet received enough signatures for ballot placement. Personhood Florida’s Bryan Longworthhas said that he still plans on gathering signatures in an attempt to make it onto next year’s ballot. #
Camilo Wood

Camilo Wood

Camilo Wood has over two decades of experience as a writer and journalist, specializing in finance and economics. With a degree in Economics and a background in financial research and analysis, Camilo brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his writing. Throughout his career, Camilo has contributed to numerous publications, covering a wide range of topics such as global economic trends, investment strategies, and market analysis. His articles are recognized for their insightful analysis and clear explanations, making complex financial concepts accessible to readers. Camilo's experience includes working in roles related to financial reporting, analysis, and commentary, allowing him to provide readers with accurate and trustworthy information. His dedication to journalistic integrity and commitment to delivering high-quality content make him a trusted voice in the fields of finance and journalism.
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