Personhood Mississippi has launched a new website to tout its “Yes on 26″ campaign, which aims to drum up publicity for an amendment that would make abortion, and possibly some forms of birth control, illegal in the state. # The website, , includes a section of endorsements (which are plenty), volunteer and email lists, and several ads for the amendment, including a video entitled “Ronald Reagan endorses Personhood.” # The site also lists the members of the Yes on 26 “Advisory Board,” which is co-chaired by Mississippi Lt
“„Whereas we understand the trauma involved in such situations, the unborn child conceived is no less human than one conceived under more favorable conditions. In the case of rape, we assert the need to educate women to seek immediate medical attention after they are victimized. Instead of the further violence of abortion, we believe women should be provided with compassionate, competent emotional and health care. In the case of incest, we stress the need to help the entire family correct the situation, which led to the pregnancy. #