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NOM’s ‘Values Bus Tour’ fails to attract crowds in Iowa

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) in conjunction with anti-abortion rights group Susan B. Anthony List and the Family Research Council, an

Jul 31, 2020233 Shares116.2K Views
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) in conjunction with anti-abortion rights group Susan B. Anthony List and the Family Research Council, an organization labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, launched its Values Bus Tour last week ahead of the Iowa Straw Poll. According to press reports, the tour failed to attract the crowds that NOM had hoped.
The tour of 22 Iowa cities to “energize the values voters and get them to participate in the Ames Straw Poll,” drew — at most — dozens of voters at each stop. Equality Matters summarized much of the coverage.
The first stop in Des Moines on Tuesday featuring Tim Pawlenty didn’t seem to draw many supporters. Mother Jones put the crowd at about 10 people.
A local television station also captured the lack of a crowd:
Muscatine saw about 20 supporters, Quad Cities had “dozens,” and Coralville “about 20,” according to various news sources.
The tour continued into Wednesday of last week where “handfuls” turned out in Mason City. The tour then picked up GOP presidential contender Rick Santorum for an event described as “mainly staffers and the media” in Cedar Rapids.
The Iowa Independent notesthat the Marshalltown event featuring Santorum on Thursday only picked up a handful of people.
Thursday in Sioux City seemed to attract a few more crowdgoersthan in days past. The Sioux City Journal noted that that event, featuring Michigan congressman Thaddeus McCotter, had “a mix of several dozen party faithful and undecided voters.”
Fort Dodge Messenger reportedon Friday morning’s stop featuring Iowa Rep. Steve King. The paper wrote, “About 15 members of the public were on hand for a presentation in which King stated his pro-life position.”
Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannon

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