Thursday saw a flurry activity over the Republican-controlled Senate’s passage of what critics are calling ‘license to bully’ legislation on Wednesday morning.
“„“Please fight for a comprehensive anti-bullying bill that eliminates outrageous exemptions, enumerates the reasons that students are most often targeted, and adds reporting requirements.”
“„“There should never be an excuse or reason or justification for anyone to bully, intimidate, or harass a student. I cannot imagine any real moral conviction or religious teaching that says it acceptable to inflict pain, humiliation, and suffering on another person, especially a child. The legislation, as passed by the Michigan Senate, is a disappointing development in a process that we have worked on so diligently together for the protection of all schoolchildren in Michigan. After my long relationship with families of children who have committed suicide after being bullied, I find this bill now to be a joke, especially as it is named in memory of one of those children.”