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Herman Cain will join Haley Barbour in Sarasota, Fla.

GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain (Pic by Gage Skidmore, via Flickr) Herman Cain has announced that he will attend the Republican Party of Sarasota’s “Statesman of the Year” dinner , to honor Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour

Jul 31, 2020
Herman Cain has announced that he will attend the Republican Party of Sarasota’s “Statesman of the Year” dinner, to honor Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour.
Image has not been found. URL: presidential candidate Herman Cain (Pic by Gage Skidmore, via Flickr)
Earlier this month, Barbour criticized Cainfor his failure to “get the facts out” about the sexual harassment allegations him. Though Cain has denied any wrongdoing, he has not gone into details about the payoffs to ex-employees of the National Restaurant Association, of which he was once president.
Though the Association has confirmed that it paid financial settlements to two women who complained of sexual harassment, Cain has repeatedly refused to discuss the specifics of the cases — citing a confidentiality agreement.
“If you have a confidentiality agreement that keeps the public from finding out something that the public is interested in knowing the facts, you ought to go on and get the facts out,” Barbour said during an appearance on MSNBC’s Daily Rundown. “If a week from now, we’ve had one week of ‘the confidentiality agreement is keeping the facts from coming out,’ that’s not in Herman Cain’s interest.”
Though the allegations of sexual harassment have played a large role in Cain’s campaign, they at first didn’t apepar to make a big dent in his polling numbers — which remained high in the week following the accusations. But newly released numbers from a Politico/George Washington University poll show that Cain’s numbers appear to have slid considerably.
Via Politico:
A high-profile press conference held by one accuser, Sharon Bialek, and her attorney Gloria Allred last Monday seems to have been a tipping point.
Among likely Republican voters surveyed Sunday, Nov. 6, Cain led the field with 40 percent. On Monday, he was third with 22 percent. By Wednesday, just 19 percent of those surveyed said they supported Cain for the nomination.
“It does appear that the stories are certainly hurting him,” said Republican pollster Ed Goeas of the Tarrance Group, who helped conduct the bipartisan poll. “As this moves forward, I think it does become more and more a deal-breaker.”
The Republican Party of Sarasota dinner is scheduled for Sun., Nov. 27, and will be preceded by a VIP reception. Individual dinner tickets to the event start at $150.
Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannona is a highly experienced journalist with over 9 years of expertise in news writing, investigative reporting, and political analysis. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Columbia University and has contributed to reputable publications focusing on global affairs, human rights, and environmental sustainability. Hajra's authoritative voice and trustworthy reporting reflect her commitment to delivering insightful news content. Beyond journalism, she enjoys exploring new cultures through travel and pursuing outdoor photography
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