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Gun Owners v. the GOP

Jul 31, 2020124.8K Shares2.4M Views
Usually, the last thing I expect when I read a gun magazine is a lesson in how screwed the GOP is. But the June issue of S.W.A.T.has quite the instructional demonstration.
Unfortunately, the piece isn’t online, but columnist Stewart Rhodes meditates on the D.C. gun ban — or, specifically, how the Bush administration defended it before the Supreme Court. The column is called "A Stab In The Back Of Gun Owners." Some choice representative excerpts:
The [Justice Dept.] brief should have simply expressed the clear intent of the Founders that the right to keep and bear arms protected the Second Amendment should be treated with as much respect as the right to free speech protected by the First Amendment. As the gun grabbing Brady Campaign acknowledges, such a finding by the Supreme Court could open the door to striking down as unconstitutional most, if not all, of the victim disarmament laws on the books.
Now, wouldn’t that be a good thing? No doubt you think so, but the lawyers in the Bush Administration don’t. Instead, the DOJ brief urged the Supreme Court to nottreat the Second Amendment the same as it does the First Amendment, because to do so would put all those wonderful federal gun laws at risk. The fake "conservative" lawyers in the Bush Administration agreed with Sarah Brady that it would be "dangerous" for the Second Amendment to actually have some teeth!
Point made, right? Perhaps, but the vitriol has only begun.
So much for the old saw that Republican leaders, if only they could, would get rid of all those unconstitutional federal gun laws, but we just need to be patient until they are in a position to do so. Now that they had their chance, they did the exact opposite. You need to dispense with the notion that your rights are somehow safe just because the men in power have an "R" after their names.
But that’s not all.
I was hoping to break it to you gently, but now that the Bush Administration has so blatantly stabbed gun owners in the back, it is time to rip the mask the rest of the way off the fake conservatives who have conserved nothing, and show you the full extent of the damage that has been done to our Republic in the last seven years. It’s not going to be pretty, but it has to be done.
As I will further show in coming columns, the infrastructure of our Constitutional Republic is being torn down and replaced with something else — and that something is fundamentally unsuited to a free people and incompatible with liberty. We are seeing a constitutional republic in its final death throes, being killed by a thousand treacherous cuts, with the final slashes being inflicted by cold reptilian lawyers who fancy themselves "conservatives."
A series of columns? Say, through to the election, perhaps? What do you think Rhodes and his readers think about John McCain?
Paula M. Graham

Paula M. Graham

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