It’s amazing the vitriol that the community-organizing group ACORN has inspired among the right in this election cycle.
In recent days, the National Review jumped on the bandwagon, referring to the low-income ACORN workers who register new voters as “lazy crackheads” — supposedly quoting another ACORN worker it deemed a “disgruntled felon/inmate/activist.” Ever since ACORN announced last week it had signed up 1.3 million new voters, many of whom are expected to lean Democratic, the Republicans have stepped up their attacks. But the nasty tone, twisted facts and outright falsehoods about the group — and Sen. Barack Obama’s connections to it — have become astounding.
True, ACORN workers have been found to have turned in hundreds of unusable, false or even laughable voter registration forms, apparently in an effort to earn some easy money. Then again, out of 1.3 million forms, some are bound to be bad. Though there’s no evidence any of the faulty forms can be used to actually commit voter fraud, media outlets from Fox to CNN to the National Review seem intent on painting the group as trying to steal the presidential election.
The latest claims from the McCain campaign, distributed via flyers at a McCain rally, are that ACORN got $500 million in the recently-approved bailout bill -– a claim that’s patently false. While there was discussion of providing money in the bill to a new agency that helps fund construction of low-income housing, the National Housing Trust Fund — created last summer by Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush — that provision didn’t survive, and it had nothing to do with ACORN. (ACORN doesn’t build housing.)
But maybe the strangest revelation of all is the one about McCain’s connections with ACORN: McCain was a keynote speakerat the group’s Immigration Rally in Miami in 2006. So I guess McCain was for ACORN before he was against it?