From Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI). Does Petraeus agree with the recent intelligence assessment that the next 9/11-style attack will come from Al Qaeda in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas?
"I do, Senator. Clearly Al Qaeda Senior Leadership has been strengthened in the FATA… the organization of an attack, if you will, will likely come from the FATA." He recommends continued support for the Pakistani government as it develops a counterinsurgency strategy. Of course, that presumes will, desire and capability on the part of the Pakistani government to pursue Al Qaeda there, and none of that is a safe assumption. Petraeus says one of his first trips as commander will be to Pakistan to make his own assessment.
Reed asks where he’ll get additional troops for Afghanistan if he needs them. He says he’ll take it up with the service chiefs and "if necessary, the current MNF-I commander."