GOP officials in Ohio, Florida and Indiana –- in addition to Michigan, where the Obama campaign sued -– have acknowledged plans to challenge voters on Election Day based on foreclosure lists.
According to local media in counties in each of these states — in Columbus, Ohio,Marion County, Ind., and Volusia County, Fla. — GOP operatives say they haven’t ruled out challenging people whose homes are being foreclosed on in the current financial crisis, claiming that they’re no longer residents of the district where they’re voting. In fact, as members of ACORN explained on a conference call with reporters on Wednesday, many homeowners going through foreclosure proceedings still live in their homes, while they try to negotiate an arrangement with the bank that holds their mortgage.
Though Republican officials in Michigan earlier this week signed an agreementwith the Obama campaign saying they would not use foreclosure lists to challenge voters in that state, the National Republican Committee has not made the same promise regarding challenges in other states.