If Barack Obama managed to change the conversation with his denunciation of Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., the question now is: what’s next?
With Tuesday’s primaries in Indiana and North Carolina the next big test for his campaign, Obama is quickly trying to refocus on economic issues. He and his wife Michelle are set to hold a series of "discussions with Indiana working families" over the coming days.
Amid some lingering questions about whether his wife’s relationship with their former pastor was any different than his, Michelle Obama is expected to talk to reportersabout the issue on Wednesday. But the big unknown is Wright himself.
As Byron Yorkput it Wednesday at National Review, even if Obama has dealt with the Wright controversy well enough to claim the Democratic nomination, …the threat from Wright remains, all the way until November 4. Wright knows the true nature of his relationship with Obama. He knows what they have said to each other. He knows whether Obama finds Wright’s views as offensive as he has said. There are more than six months left before the general election, and if Obama becomes the Democratic nominee, that is a lot of time for the voluble — and publicity-loving — pastor to remain silent.