We’ve been following the saga over the consumer witnesses who came twice to Washington in recent weeks to relate horror stories surrounding their credit card accounts, and the damn thing just won’t go away.
First it was Republicans silencing the witnesseswith open-ended waiver requirements. Then the witnesses agreed to sign different waivers, allowingtheir testimony. And now, in the wake of that testimony, a House lawmaker is claiming that one of the credit card companies violated the terms of the second waiver (available here, pdf) signed by one of his constituents. Rep. Mark Udall (D-Col.) charged today that JPMorgan Chase breached the waiver signed by Susan Wones, a consumer witness from Denver. According to a statement from Udall’s office:
“„At last week’s hearing, when Wones testified, she agreed to sign a waiver allowing Chase to talk publicly about her credit card accounts with Chase, and only with Chase, but that didn’t happen. After the hearing, a Chase representative followed Susan around and spoke publicly with reporters about her entire credit history including her other credit card accounts.
Udall sent a letter (pdf) to Chase today asking for a public apology on behalf of Wones. “„Assuming you agree about the importance of keeping faith with commitments, and maintaining a perception of integrity for you company, I expect you will be appalled — as I was — to learn the details of how Chase representatives treated one of your customers.
Udall also accused the bank of failing to redact personal information, such as Wones’ address and account numbers, from the financial documents supplied to committee staff during the hearing process. As a result, Udall said, Chase should be responsible for any harm done to Wones as a result of that information leaking.
“„One is hard pressed not to conclude that Chase treats its customers in an exceedingly shabby and negligent fashion — and all the more so if they choose to exercise their rights as citizens to petition their elected representatives in changing public policy.
A Chase spokeswoman did not immediately return a request for comment.