I’m a little tired of The Undecideds, The Swing Voters and all those People In The Middle — but they do decide elections after the rest of us have made our decisions.
To appeal to those remaining thin slices of the electorate, a new video campaign has launched to pitch Sen. Barack Obama. The project is aimed at all those folks in the middle — be it the spectrum or of making up their minds — and it is from, naturally, “people in the middle.”
Academy Award-winning director Errol Morris shot several ads with these self-proclaimed swing voters, in a campaign for People for The American Way. (Which is not, by the way, in the middle.) All the spots are on a new YouTube channel, MiddleforObama, in addition to the website peopleinthemiddleforobama.org. I don’t find this very gripping, but that’s irrelevant, since I am definitely not part of the target audience:
PRODUCTION NOTES: These confessionals start out personal and broad, as voters explain their perspectives. As the background piano music slowly rises, the speakers bear down on their topic, describing Obama’s strengths in terms of judgment and temperament. While the campaign’s official themes are referenced, from “hope” to inspiring young Americans, issues like the economy and Iraq are left unmentioned.