If ever the far left wants some help from the far right on Iraq, Dana Rohrabacher (R-Psycho Ward, Calif.) extended an olive branch. He asked Crocker if the forthcoming long-term security agreement will force the Iraqis to finance our open-ended military presence there.
Crocker tried as hard as he could to dodge the question, since, obviously, agreeing with Rohrabacher’s insanity would lead to Iraqis storming the Green Zone and killing everyone in their path. But when Crocker said that he’d have to take that suggestion through the interagency process, Rohrabacker rohred: “The next time you come back to this committee, I’d suggest that answer be ‘yes.’ Otherwise you’re gonna have trouble with the Republican side, not just the Democratic side.” For good measure, he threatened to introduce legislation forcing the Iraqis to pay for the privilege of being taken to Abu Ghraib arbitrarily and so forth.