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Making Sure Animals Don’t Cross the Border Either

NPR has <a title="a story today" href="" id="nnsj">a story

Jul 31, 20205.7K Shares248.5K Views
NPR has a story today about the 370-mile fence the government is trying to erect along the U.S.-Mexico border. The federal government is suing to gain access to private land in the Rio Grande Valley, for local property owners are less than welcoming. The fence has all sorts of implications for the debate surrounding the crackdown on illegal immigration, which, The Chicago Tribune reports is no longer the hot presidential election issue everyone thought it would be.But the fence could damage the area’s ecosystem, affecting Texan wildlife. The fence will likely be built on or along a federal levee system, running between the Rio Grande River and the urban parts of the Valley. According to NPR, the fence could isolate tracts of land and prevent animals from getting to the river’s edge. This means the Valley’s eco-tourism industry could take a hit. Some animals affected include the endangered ocelot (a type of wild cat with a leopard print), gray hawks, Muscovy ducks and red-billed pigeons.
Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannon

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