Chalk up another win for the counterinsurgents. The Washington Post reports today that one of the final acts of the Bush-era Gates Pentagon (as opposed to the
“„The directive, signed by Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon Englandon Monday, requires the Pentagonto step up its capabilities across the board to fight unconventionally, such as by working with foreign security forces, surrogates and indigenous resistance movements to shore up fragile states, extend the reach of U.S. forces into denied areas or battle hostile regimes.
“„Vickers said he envisions that the Pentagon’s primary vehicle for carrying out irregular warfare operations will be a global network — already underway — made up of the U.S. and foreign militaries and other government personnel in scores of countries with which the United States is not at war. The network is designed to wage “steady state” counterterrorism operations. The directive also requires the Pentagon to develop capabilities to conduct larger-scale irregular campaigns, such as those in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“„The goal of the network, Vickers said in a recent speech, is ambitious: “to create a persistent, ubiquitous presence against our adversaries . . . and essentially to smother them over time.”
“„The directive “should have a big impact on resources” as well as military planning, Vickers said.