Joe Trippi, chief strategist for the John Edwards presidential campaign, is tanned and rested after some time on the beach— and ready to talk about the 2008 presidential campaign. Trippi credited the Obama campaign with using the Internet — social networking sites, blogs, YouTube, fundraising and more — to build the best "bottom-up" campaign in history. And while he called the Clintons the best at doing things the old way — "top down" — he said the decision to run Hillary Clinton’s campaign almost entirely that way was "the biggest blunder I’ve ever seen."
He also warned that a reported 150,000 Obama volunteers in Texas could spell "deep trouble" for Clinton in the state.
Trippi made his national name in the 2004 presidential campaign, using the Internet to build Howard Dean’s volunteer army and bring in millions. "We were like the Wright Brothers …a flimsy little thing with propellers," Trippi said at a panel discussion organized by the New Democrat Network. "Just four years later, [the Obama campaign is] landing on the moon."
But none of that means he thinks that Obama has clinched the nomination. "I would still not today write the Clintons out of this."