Over at Big Hollywood, Andrew Breitbart’s banging new pan-ideological movies site, Roger L. Simon gives us an excerpt of his new book about how being a
“„I am sure this new form of the blacklist exists, but not nearly to the formalized extent of the original list of the Forties and Fifties with its Red Channels and dramatic hearings in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee, featuring “friendly” and “unfriendly” witnesses. Times are different and the system functions in a very different manner. Now it operates through an almost invisible thought control caused by a post-Orwellian “liberal” conformity so pervasive that a formal blacklist is unnecessary, and, indeed, would work against itself. In some ways, this new, less overt list is worse, because there is nothing concrete to rebel against, no hearings, no committees, no protest groups pro or con, no secret databases.