The Los Angeles Times has the last of its series on things Republicans are saying about Attorney General-designate Eric Holder, whose confirmation hearing kicks
“„GOP staffers investigating Holder’s background say that although he has downplayed his connections to [Illinois' Democratic Gov. Rod] Blagojevich, new information suggests Holder did legal work for Blagojevich on an investigation into the controversial award of a state casino gambling license by the Illinois Gaming Board.
“„The letter begins by stating, “As you know, Governor Blagojevich has appointed me to investigate issues relating to gaming in the Village of Rosemont, Illinois.” After informing the Gaming Board Chairman that “the first stage of the investigation will focus on reviewing documents,” Holder proceeds to request the production of ten categories of documents. [...]
“„This request for the production of documents relating to the circumstances possibly surrounding the issuance of the gaming license would seem to constitute “substantive work” on the Gaming Board investigation.