Yesterday morning, before Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) pulled out from consideration for commerce secretary, House Republicans announced the formation of a special Census Task Force, headed by Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.) and freshman Rep. Gregg Harper (R-Miss.). According to Lungren spokesman Brian Seitchik, Gregg’s departure hasn’t changed a thing.
“As far as I know we’re still going ahead with the task force,” said Seitchik, who was about to drive Lungren to a speech unrelated to the just-surfaced census issue. He couldn’t say what the task force would work on next, in part because the ball is in the White House’s court, and in part because he was losing his signal in a parking garage.
Brendan Burk, a spokesman for Republican Study Committee Chairman Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), confirmed that the party was not moving right on from the census argument, but didn’t have more to add beyond last night’s statement in which Price accusedthe White House of “break[ing] promises for politics.”