CPAC attendees are filling out ballots that ask their takes on the issues (such as “establishing direct U.S. dialogue with countries like Iran and groups like Hamas”) and their choices for the 2012 presidential race.
The options:
Gov. Charles Crist (Fla.)
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Former N.Y. Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.)
Gov. Bobby Jindal (La.)
Gov. Sarah Palin (Alaska)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty (Minn.)
Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.)
Former Gov. Mitt Romney (Mass.)
Gov. Mark Sanford (S.C.)
There’s also a write-in option, and “undecided.” And there’s a poll for “your favorite conservative media personality on either TV or radio”:
Bill Bennett
Neal Boortz
Ann Coulter
Sean Hannity
Hugh Hewitt
Laura Ingraham
Rush Limbaugh
Michael Medved
Bill O’Reilly
Michael Reagan
Michael Savage
I’m really interested in this one, although Limbaugh might get a boost because he’s giving the closing speech. Also: No Joe Scarborough.