DENVER — Here we go, Al Gore!
6:46pm:Gore comes out. Invesco is going nuts. He says if he was president we’d never have invaded Iraq.
**6:48pm: **Gore on McCain taking Bush’s 3rd term: “I believe in recycling but this is rediculous.”
6:49pm:Gore is fired up, looking thin, rested, comfortable and passionate. A great attack dog on McCain. “A foreign policy that is smart as well as strong.”
**6:50pm: **“I know something about close elections… I believe this election is so close because the forces of the status quo are so desperately afraid of the change Barack Obama represents.” Rarely has someone proven more able to mix total in-the-weeds-scientific wonkery and palpable, undeniable, inspiring passion.
“Military experts warn us about security concerns… from global warming.” Also Suemedha Sood!
6:51pm:Gore on McCain: he allowed the right “to browbeat him” on the climate crisis.
I saw Gore give a similar address in Austin for Netroots Nation. He’s actually able to do this kind of stuff off-the-cuff. Can you imagine ad libbing something that uses the word “geothermal”?
6:53pm:“Some of the best marketers have the worst products,” like, um, “the special interests that have come to control the Republican Party.”
Last night Kerry. Tonight Gore. There’s clearly something about losing a presidential election that liberates you. “shame and disgrace and failure” — George Washington on torture, as quoted by Al Gore. Thunderous cheers.
6:55pm:“We’re all tired of appeals based on fear… You’re hungry for a new politics based on bipartisan respect for the ageless principles embodied in the United States Constitution.” Our “very way of life” depends on it. You can see why the left calls him The Goracle.
**6:56pm: **Gore references Lincoln. Eight years as a state legislator in Springfield, one term in Congress, and the wisdom to “oppose a war popular when started.”
Obama as Lincoln: wisdom to oppose a disastrous war at an epic moment in our history. “Inconvenient truths must be acknowledged if we are to have wise governance.” Hehe. Subtle!
Hey, if you want this direct, my friend Ari emailed me the textof Gore’s remarks. **7:00pm: **Gore reads a benediction — you would not believe what this sounds like to an audience that can stamp its feet at a football stadium.
Barely 20 minutes of barn-burning passion by a man who should have been president. The earth is notably warmer after that speech.