This is a fantastic story in both senses of the term: elegantly written and reported by The Washington Post’s Anthony Shadid; and substantively a Good Thing.
“„Mutlak draws backing from among the still-numerous supporters of Hussein’s Baath Party in Sunni regions, and he has long pushed for reconciliation with its members. Despite his reputation as a Shiite hard-liner when he came to power in 2006, Maliki echoed the call this month. In a speech, he urged Iraqis to reconcile with rank-and-file Baathists, those he described as “forced and obliged at one time to be on the side of the former regime.”
“„He declared that it was time “to let go of what happened” in the past.
“„Mutlak said he told Maliki in a meeting two months ago that “there was a time when you stood against me on those issues. ‘You should be happy I changed,’ he told me.” Smiling in the interview, Mutlak joked that first the prime minister “stole the government from us, and now he’s trying to steal our political speech from us.”