The latest fringe right meme: President Obama tipped us off to, uh, something, by briefly bowing before the king of Saudi Arabia. has the video
“„“Call me crazy – but Obama is communicating to a muslim how a muslim communicates. It’s really that simple. I was never one to accuse the man of being muslim in the past, but honestly, the more I hear and see from this man regarding all things muslim – it is disconcerting.”
“„“Maybe he was chanting his allah akbars when he was in Rev Wrights church for the last twenty years.”
“„“Is he bowing to Abdullah as a dhimmi, or is he bowing to acknowledge the king’s possession of Mecca?”
“„“HUSSEIN Obama recognizes the Saudi king as the defender of the Islamic faith…and that gets a bow from any moslem. Amyone ever see Obama eat a pork chop?”