While Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s being pilloried on the right for a 2001 speech in which she said her race and gender inevitably impact her
“„“My experience as a legislator gives me a different perspective. Also, I bring to the court the perspective of a woman primarily in a sense that I am female, just as I am white, a college graduate, etc.
“„“Yes, I will bring the understanding of a woman to the court, but I doubt that that alone will affect my decisions,” she said.“I think the important fact about my appointment is not that I will decide cases as a woman, but that I am a woman who will get to decide cases.” [Emphasis added.]
“„When I get a case about discrimination, I have to think about people in my own family who suffered discrimination because of their ethnic background or because of religion or because of gender. And I do take that into account.