As something of an addendum to the previous Iran post: Al Jazeera is hanging out with Mir Hossein Moussavi (I’m still hunting for the right style on spelling
“„[T]he challenger told me in calm and deliberate tones, the West need not hold its breath on the nuclear issue.
“„There will be no freeze and no halt to enrichment whatever inducements the US puts on the table. Enrichment to weapons grade uranium is on the table, he says.
“„But at the same time he confirms that his position on nuclear arms conforms with that of the supreme leader’s - that weapons of mass destruction are “haram” (forbidden).
“„“Building nuclear weapons is out of the question,” Mousavi tells me.
“„But no quarter will be given in the question of relations with Israel, nor will support be cut for Iran’s allies in the region. Backing of Palestinian Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah is a mater of morality and self interest, he says, but this should not be interpreted as a signal of aggressive intent or a desire or confrontation.