The Huffington Post’s unstoppable Nico Pitneyculls together some of the tweets that @PersianKiwisent out on Mir Hussein Moussavi’s address to today’s huge demonstration in Tehran. Not really sure why Nico doesn’t Cite @PersianKiwi specifically, but whatever. Here’s what a liveblogged Moussavi reads like: “„· I have come due to concerns of current political and social conditions – to defend the rights of the nation
· I have come to improve Irans International relations
· I have come to tell the world and return to Iran our pride, our dignity, our future
· I have come to bring to Iran a FUTURE of FREEDOM, of HOPE, of fulfilment
· I have come to represent the poor the helpless the hungry
· I have come to be ACCOUNTABLE to you my people and to this world
· Iran must participate in FAIR elections, it is a matter of national importance
· I have come to you because of the corruption in Iran
· 25% inflation means IGNORANCE – THIEVING – CORRUPTION – where is the wealth of my nation?
· What have you done with $300 BILLION in last 4 years – where is the wealth of the nation?
· The next Gov of Iran will be chosen by the people
· Why do all our young want to leave this country?
· I know of no creation who places HIMSELF ahead of 20 million of the nation
· We are Muslims – what is happening in Iran Government is a sin
· This Gov is not what Imam Khomeini wanted for Iran – #Irane lection I will change all this – This is the SEA of GREEN
Notice that one about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad not being what “Imam Khomeini wanted for Iran.” Moussavi’s hacking at all sources of Ahmadinejad’s legitimacy.