Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has liedand dissembled about her past support for the “Bridge to Nowhere “earmark, as many journalists have reported. Now, the Obama campaign is circulating a photograph of Palin literally bragging about her support for the bridge, with a note titled “I supported the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt.”
Here’s the picture worth a thousand fact-checks:
It’s from Palin’s 2006 campaign, explains an Obama aide, where “she’s proudly posing with a T-shirt that reads, ‘NOWHERE ALASKA 99901.’”
Now, from a distance, the entire fight over the bridge earmark could look silly, compared to bigger problems facing the country.
Obama is arguing, however, that the McCain campaign’s blatant lies, about issues small and large, reveal the GOP nominee’s approach to governance.
It is indeed striking that McCain picked this fight, touting his running mate’s “reform” record not through spin, or selective biography, but by flatly lying about her recent actions.