Despite asking some of the harshest and arguably most patronizing questions of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor over the past three days, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) appears to be leaning toward voting for her.
Although he just used his questioning time this morning to charge her with engaging in “identity politics” and making speeches that he finds “disturbing,” he also noted that her judicial decisions were not outside the mainstream; complimented her for her success in the legal profession and for winning the support of even the conservative former independent counsel Kenneth Starr; and suggested that maybe she’d even be open-minded enough to support finding a fundamental right to possess firearms under the Constitution, should the issue come before her.
“You may be able to embrace a right that you may not want for yourself,” he said. “I think and believe based on what I know about you that you’re broad-minded enough to understand that America is bigger than the Bronx” and “bigger than South Carolina.”
This may have been just wishful thinking on Graham’s part. In fact, earlier this year in the case of Maloney v. Cuomo, Sotomayor and her colleagues on the Second Circuit specifically rejected the argument that the Second Amendment provides a fundamental right to bear arms that applies to the states.
That issue is very likely to come before the Supreme Court in the not-too-distant future — and as Graham well knows, Sotomayor is likely to be there to rule on it.
*Update: *Here’s the video of some of Graham’s kind words to Sotomayor: