MUSKEGON, Mich. — Guess what everybody? The war in Iraq is over! We won! At least that’s what Sen. John McCain would have you believe. Apparently, at today’s town hall meeting at Kansas City’s Union Station, McCain declared that we have succeeded — not we are succeeding, mind you — in Iraq. I say “apparently” because the acoustics were so bad that every reporter without an audio feed had no idea what he was saying. McCain, sensing that the press probably couldn’t hear him earlier, made sure to repeat the assertion when he spoke to group of reporters aboard the Straight Talk Express bus after the meeting.
“„I repeat my statement that we have succeeded in Iraq. Not we are succeeding. We have succeeded in Iraq. The strategy has worked and we now have the Iraqi government and military in charge in the major cities in Iraq. Al Qaeda is on their heels and on the run, but the success that we have achieved is still fragile and could be reversed, and it’s still – if we do what Sen. Obama wants to do, then all of that could be reversed and we could face again the chaos, increased Iranian influence and American loss and defeat.
OK, so he’s not exactly calling for us to pack up and go home. But this does mark the first time McCain has emphasized that we “have succeeded,” as though it were a fait accompli. This could be McCain’s new line on the war. We’ll be keeping our ears open to see whether this tense shift is permanent.