Obama-joker-protester-reston.jpg Kim Langley of Herndon, shows off the Obama=Joker poster he printed for health care town hall held on Tuesday by Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) and former DNC Chairman Howard Dean in Reston, Va. “It’s gone viral!” he pointed out to me, standing outside South Lakes High School.
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More protests on the walk up to the school, including a use of the LaRouchePAC “Hitler” poster edited slightly. Later, I saw it again with all traces of the LaRouche name removed.
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Mission creep.
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The protest outside the school upon the start of the town hall.
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One of several giant signs.
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Some support for national health care reform.
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Steve Brown, a Herndon teacher who pulled this sign “out of my car.”
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The throng outside of the school, greeting people leaving the meeting.