“„I have a favor to ask regarding my very special friend, Elizabeth Dole. The Nation lost a great hard working advocate for conservative values when her race was swept up in the Obama tide. The Democratic Party spent $12 million to defeat her in North Carolina and special interest groups spent millions more.
“„The Obama campaign opened 50 field offices with 400 paid staff and 21,000 volunteers, all geared to three weeks of early voting. North Carolina had the biggest increase in voter turnout of any state in the nation, a reflection of the huge amounts of money poured into the state.
“„I hope you will join me in assisting her with a generous contribution today to retire her debt of $356,043. I believe it would be a travesty if she were left with a debt after all her hard work as a public servant.
“„Elizabeth has been a pioneer, breaking many glass ceilings for women in her career spanning 40 years. She has spent her life in service to America and the world, and while she lost an election, she has not lost her willingness or ability to continue to serve for the greater good of our nation.
“„To do that, she needs to conclude old business and that is why your help to retire her campaign debt is so important. Please use this link to send a contribution today to the Elizabeth Dole Committee, Inc., or you may contribute via mail by sending your contribution to Post Office Box 97275, Raleigh, North Carolina 27624. I hope I can count on you to help.
“„Mike Huckabee