I reported last week that Cass Sunstein, the Harvard Law School professor whose nomination to run the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs is in Senate
“„MARTOSKO: He is a philosopher in the mold of Peter Singer.
“„BECK: Hang on just a second. Peter Singer, America, in case you don’t know who Peter Singer is — Peter Singer is the guy, he is the chair of ethics at Princeton University. He believes — he first came out and said, “You can abort a baby 20 days after birth.” Then he came out and apologized because there was some outcry on that one, and he said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have put a number on it because actually a baby isn’t really human until it can realize that there’s a tomorrow. So, up until two years, two years of age, you can abort a child. OK.
“„BECK: So, he’s a friend of Peter Singer’s.
“„MARTOSKO: Yes. He is a — he is a disciple of Singer’s. I mean, Singer is in favor of infanticide and this whole idea of quality adjusted life years.
“„BECK: Yes.
“„It’s absurd. Cass Sunstein has developed his own views on this issue. You might as well say that Glenn Beck is a disciple of Lyndon LaRouche because they agree on opposing the public health care option. (Incidentally, Glenn Beck’s characterization of my views in that clip is also a grotesque distortion.)
“„My “work” with Cass Sunstein on these issues consists, in its entirety, in my attending a one-day workshop at the University of Chicago some years ago on a proposal to label animal products so that consumers could know more about how the animals were treated. If I recall correctly, the workshop was co-hosted by Sunstein and Martha Nussbaum.
“„He also once reprinted an essay of mine in a book that he co-edited with Nussbaum.
“„That’s it.