If there was any question that Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) was enjoying his newfound celebrity, he was back on Sean Hannity’s syndicated radio show today — his second consecutive appearance. Wilson profusely thanked Hannity for asking his listeners to support him.
“They have named me — the Washington Democrats, MoveOn.org — their number one target,” said Wilson. “The bottom line is there’s a witch hunt, and I’ve got good people behind me like Sean Hannity saying we’ve got to get back to the serious issues.”
Wilson credited Hannity with a surge of fundraising and support for his campaign, and said that he’d “just got off the phone” with Rep. Bill Young (R-Fla.), a Florida Republican, who told him he had Wilson’s back.
“We’re having an impact,” said Wilson, taking credit for the apparent addition of stricter rules against health care for illegal immigrants in the Senate’s negotiations. Hannity accused Democrats of “Chicago-style politics” and “oppo dumps” against the congressman.
“Thank you for making a difference for America,” said Wilson. “For freedom!”