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Liveblogging the Obama/Brown/Sarkozy Iran Announcement

I’m not in Pittsburgh, but I do have al-Jazeera English on my TV, so here’s the announcement from the leaders of the U.S., the U.K. and France, revealing the

Jul 31, 20201.4K Shares482.3K Views
I’m not in Pittsburgh, but I dohave al-Jazeera English on my TV, so here’s the announcement from the leaders of the U.S., the U.K. and France, revealing the existence of (another) heretofore undisclosed nuclear facility in Iran. The facility is reportedlystill under construction, and the Iranians have belatedly claimed to the International Atomic Energy Agency that the unfinished facility cannot enrich uranium to the degree sufficient for a weapon. The New York Times observes that President Obama appears prepared to move toward a sanctions regime after having his outreach overtures to the Iranian regime rebuked. Let’s hear what he has to say in the joint Pittsburgh announcement.
Obama: the three countries presented “detailed evidence demonstrating” the covert enrichment facility “near Qom,” which has been under construction “for years.” It “underscores Iran’s continuing unwillingness to meet its obligations under U.N. Security Council resolutions.” Wants the IAEA to inspect “yet another nuclear facility” as it’s a “direct challenge” to the global nonproliferation regime, which guarantees “peaceful nuclear weapons” and no proliferation, alongside disarmament. “That compact depends on all nations living up to their responsibilities.”
“The size and configuration of this facility is inconsistent with” peaceful nuclear energy. Iran must “act immediately” to restore international confidence. Says the U.S. “remains committed” to dialogue and simultaneously showing the international nonproliferation regime is not “a meaningless promise.” Iran must “be prepared to cooperate fully” at next week’s P5+1 meeting with Iran in Geneva. “Iran must comply with U.N. security council resolutions… We have offered Iran a clear path to greater international [cooperation]… or be held accountable to international standards and international law.” Germany associates itself with the remarks.
Sarkozy: Iran is taking the world “on a dangerous path.” Today’s disclosures are “exceptional.” The Qom facility built in “direct violation” of Security Council resolution. Expects an “exhaustive, strict and rigorous investigation” from the IAEA. At Geneva, “everything, everything must be put on the table.” By December, there must either be full disclosures or “sanctions will have to be taken, this is for the peace and stability.”
Brown: “Serial deception of many years,” prompting the international community to “draw a line in the sand.” Either disclosure or “further isolated” Iran. U.K. is prepared to implement “stringent sanctions.” Iran must “ambition any ambitions for its nuclear program.” And we’re out.
Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannon

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