Still arguing the Rockefeller amendmentto create a public insurance plan at the Senate Finance Committee markup, we’ve moved into the phase of ideological bickering. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) just blasted the public option as the first step toward single-payer health care, and Sen. Orrin Hatch is reiterating the argument now. The comments riled Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who asked Grassley if he supports another government-backed health care program, something called Medicare. “Medicare is part of the social fabric of America,” Grassley responded. “[But] to say that I support it is not to say that it’s the best program that it can be.”
Grassley then shifted back to the contention that the public option is just a disguise for a single payer system that “denies the American people choice.”
“The government is not a fair competitor,” Grassley added. “It’s a predator.”
The bad news is that it’s not even noon.