Michelle Goldberg profiles Alex Jones, the explosion-voiced radio host who spent eight years of the George W. Bush administration being dismissed as a
“„Some conservatives have groaned to see the newfound respect Jones is getting. So far, though, no one has paid a price for associating with him. In late July, Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas appeared on Jones’s show to discuss the “nation-ending” potential of Obama’s policies and the country’s incipient march toward eugenics and fascism. “Did you hear about the White House science czar calling for putting stuff in the water to sterilize us?” Jones asked him. Gohmert allowed that he had not, but he didn’t seem particularly surprised. A few minutes later, Jones asked the congressman for his thoughts about “the youth brigades, national compulsory service,” that the Democrats had in store. “[T]his stuff has been done before,” Gohmert said. “It was done in the 1930s, and that was not the only place it’s been done.”