Five days after Mike Allen reported that friendsof Fox News creator Roger Ailes wanted him to run for president, and four-and-a-half days since Ailes laughed the story off, the Ailes-for-president bubble–as ridiculous as it seems–is still serving as a way for conservatives to frame what they see as a White House “war on Fox.” “The way the White House is attacking Roger Ailes and Fox,” said Republican strategist Craig Shirley, who is doing media for Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman’s upstart campaign in NY-23, “maybe he is already the president of a country!”
Rep. Pete Olson (R-Tex.) gave some serious thought to the Ailes question “That’d be tough for him [to win],” said Olson, “just because being at Fox News, there are things they’d come after him about.” Olson looked to the example of Hannah Giles, the young college student who dressed up as a prostitute in the ACORN video sting, and whose grandmother lives in Olson’s district. “There have been all kinds of attacks on her,” he said, referring to legal threats from ACORN.
The White House criticism of Fox has coincided with–and probably contributed to–a healthy surge in the network’s ratings.